Kansas Rattennes are spread out over eastern Kansas and western Missouri.
The family homestead is located west of Kansas City, near Olathe, in a
town called Springhill, and is known as the
Round Tuit Ranch.
Mike is the sole survivor of the orignal Iowa clan.
Family members are:
Tammy works for the USPS when she's not raising her horses on the Round Tuit Ranch. (working can be so inconvenient!). Mitziis a medical doctor in general practice (practice does make perfect!), living with her husband Steve and two kids (Kara and Curtis) in Liberty, Missouri, er, Missour-uh. Steve has his own business and works out of their home. Michael
Jr.(Michale IV) is an office professional in
Olathe, KS, and has four sons of his own (including - yes - Michael V).
He and his wife Lynn are assuring the Rattenne Family name lives well into
the 21st Century.
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